24 Ways to Keep Your Marriage Strong After Kids
My husband and I have been together for eight years now and married seven in October. I was blessed with a great guy that was the answer to years of prayer, but I can honestly say that marriage really does get better with time when it’s nurtured! It takes intentionality to build a happy, healthy relationship, especially after kids are in the picture (we should know, we have three under six!), but it’s absolutely possible for anyone who is willing to be diligent in the pursuit of their spouse! These are some of the habits we prioritize that have helped us build a happy, loving, lasting marriage. Prioritize date night.…
11 Things to Talk About Before Having Kids
This is a guest post by Samara of Tiny Fry. Planning for a baby is a joyous time. It’s when you celebrate your relationship with your partner and dream about raising a child and your future as a family. But what about addressing big-ticket questions that you know will arise once baby is actually here? Shouldn’t you talk about these before baby is born? Of course, diving deep into conversations about possible birth complications, disciplinary techniques or the pros and cons of breastfeeding is daunting (to say the least). However, trust us when we say that it’s easier to handle these topics now rather than when you’re sleep deprived and…