{"id":307,"date":"2023-03-06T19:09:40","date_gmt":"2023-03-06T20:09:40","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/adultmerchantprocessing.com\/?p=307"},"modified":"2025-01-21T15:10:26","modified_gmt":"2025-01-21T15:10:26","slug":"107-intriguing-never-have-i-ever-questions-for-couples","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/adultmerchantprocessing.com\/index.php\/2023\/03\/06\/107-intriguing-never-have-i-ever-questions-for-couples\/","title":{"rendered":"107 Intriguing Never Have I Ever Questions for Couples"},"content":{"rendered":"

Are you looking for Never Have I Ever Questions for Couples? Relationship conversation starters<\/a> and couples games like Never Have I Ever, Would You Rather<\/a>, and How Well Do You Know Me<\/a> are fantastic ways to dig a little deeper and learn a little more about the person you\u2019re with in a fun and interesting way.<\/p>\n

Some couples Never Have I Ever questions are lighthearted and a little silly, while others can get deeper and of more significance. Skip around and choose the ones that feel right for where you and your partner are; you don\u2019t want to ask a question you don\u2019t really want to know the answer for!<\/p>\n

Communication is important<\/a> in relationships, but that doesn’t mean it always has to be serious. Have fun and communicate while playing relationship games like Never Have I Ever!<\/p>\n

How Do You Play Never Have I Ever for Couples<\/h2>\n

Many people play Never Have I Ever as a drinking game, where the first person states \u201cNever Have I Ever___\u201d and if they actually have done the thing, they drink, and the other person must also drink if they have done that thing, but there are alternatives to this!<\/p>\n

Make it a healthier version of couples Never Have I Ever by replacing the drinking with a little physical activity, like 5 sit-ups or push-ups. For example: you start by saying \u201cNever have I ever used a partner\u2019s toothbrush\u201d and if you have<\/i><\/b> used a partner\u2019s toothbrush, you have to do 5 sit-ups. If your partner has also<\/i><\/b> used a partner\u2019s toothbrush, they must do 5 sit-ups too, but if they haven\u2019t, they don\u2019t.<\/p>\n

If you want to make it a little risque, you could even turn your Never Have I Ever couples game into a strip version where instead of taking a drink, you must remove an article of clothing!<\/p>\n

You could also play for points, where X amount of Never Have I Evers = an agreed-upon favor or deed of some sort, like a back massage or a special date somewhere. The best part about couples games like Never Have I Ever is that you get to modify it and personalize it to fit your relationship. <\/p>\n

However you tailor your Never Have I Ever game for couples, have fun getting to know each other on a deeper level. This is also a great addition to many of these date ideas here<\/a>. Enjoy!<\/p>\n

Never Have I Ever Questions for Couples<\/h2>\n

Relationship Never Have I Ever questions is a great way to get to know your significant other on a deeper level.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/p>\n
  1. Never have I ever lied to my partner about where I was.<\/li>\n
  2. Never have I ever cheated on someone I was dating.<\/li>\n
  3. Never have I ever stolen from someone I was dating.<\/li>\n
  4. Never have I ever broken up with someone by text.<\/li>\n
  5. Never have I ever ghosted someone I was dating.<\/li>\n
  6. Never have I ever pretended to like something my date likes just to impress them.<\/li>\n
  7. Never have I ever been jealous of one of my partner’s friends.<\/li>\n
  8. Never have I ever snooped through my partner’s phone or computer.<\/li>\n
  9. Never have I ever gone on a date with someone just to get a free meal.<\/li>\n
  10. Never have I ever flirted with someone while in a committed relationship.<\/li>\n
  11. Never have I ever gotten into a physical fight with a partner.<\/li>\n
  12. Never have I ever been in a long-distance relationship.<\/li>\n
  13. Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher.<\/li>\n
  14. Never have I ever played strip poker with a significant other.<\/li>\n
  15. Never have I ever been in a threesome.<\/li>\n
  16. Never have I ever lied about my sexual history to a partner.<\/li>\n
  17. Never have I ever had a one-night stand.<\/li>\n
  18. Never have I ever had sex on a first date.<\/li>\n
  19. Never have I ever regretted breaking up with someone.<\/li>\n
  20. Never have I ever broken up with someone because of their appearance.<\/li>\n
  21. Never have I ever lied about being busy to avoid spending time with my partner.         \n
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    READ NEXT:<\/span>  101 Best Couples Bucket List Ideas for 2024 Adventures & Romance<\/span><\/div>\n


  22. Never have I ever had feelings for someone else while in a relationship.<\/li>\n
  23. Never have I ever gone through my partner’s things without their knowledge.<\/li>\n
  24. Never have I ever used sex as a bargaining tool.<\/li>\n
  25. Never have I ever dated someone just because they were wealthy.<\/li>\n
  26. Never have I ever had an affair with a married person.<\/li>\n
  27. Never have I ever gone on a blind date.<\/li>\n
  28. Never have I ever broken up with someone because they were too clingy.<\/li>\n
  29. Never have I ever lied about my age to a partner.<\/li>\n
  30. Never have I ever pretended to be interested in a partner’s hobbies just to keep the peace.<\/li>\n
  31. Never have I ever lied to a partner about my feelings.<\/li>\n
  32. Never have I ever ignored a partner’s texts or calls and then lied about it.<\/li>\n
  33. Never have I ever been in a polyamorous relationship.<\/li>\n
  34. Never have I ever dated someone significantly older or younger than me.<\/li>\n
  35. Never have I ever had a crush on a friend’s partner.<\/li>\n
  36. Never have I ever joined the Mile High Club.<\/li>\n
  37. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my job or education.<\/li>\n
  38. Never have I ever broken up with someone because they didn’t have enough money.<\/li>\n
  39. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my past relationships.<\/li>\n
  40. Never have I ever pretended to be someone I’m not to impress a partner.\n

    Relationship games like Never Have I Ever can be as serious or as lighthearted as you want to make it.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/p>\n<\/li>\n
  41. Never have I ever been cheated on.<\/li>\n
  42. Never have I ever gone on a date just to make a crush jealous.<\/li>\n
  43. Never have I ever lied to a partner about my intentions.<\/li>\n
  44. Never have I ever broken up with someone because of their political beliefs.<\/li>\n
  45. Never have I ever been on a dating app or website.<\/li>\n
  46. Never have I ever cheated on a partner emotionally.<\/li>\n
  47. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my feelings for someone else.<\/li>\n
  48. Never have I ever given a fake compliment to a partner.<\/li>\n
  49. Never have I ever lied about my income to a partner.<\/li>\n
  50. Never have I ever had a partner lie about their sexual history.<\/li>\n
  51. Never have I ever been in a serious relationship that lasted over a year.<\/li>\n
  52. Never have I ever sent a flirty text message to someone other than my partner.<\/li>\n
  53. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my family or upbringing.<\/li>\n
  54. Never have I ever snooped through my partner’s social media accounts without their permission.<\/li>\n
  55. Never have I ever used my partner’s toothbrush without telling them.<\/li>\n
  56. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my religious beliefs.<\/li>\n
  57. Never have I ever dated someone who my friends or family didn’t approve of.<\/li>\n
  58. Never have I ever been in a relationship where the other person didn’t speak the same language as me.<\/li>\n
  59. Never have I ever had a secret crush on someone while dating someone else.<\/li>\n
  60. Never have I ever written a love letter I regretted.<\/li>\n
  61. Never have I ever dated someone I didn\u2019t really connect with just because I found them physically attractive.<\/li>\n
  62. Never have I ever flirted with someone to get what I want.<\/li>\n
  63. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my health or medical history.<\/li>\n
  64. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my sexual preferences or desires.<\/li>\n
  65. Never have I ever broken up with someone because they did or didn’t want children.  \n
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    READ NEXT:<\/span>  11 Things to Talk About Before Having Kids<\/span><\/div>\n


  66. Never have I ever pretended to be single when I was in a relationship.<\/li>\n
  67. Never have I ever ignored my partner’s feelings or needs for my own selfish reasons.<\/li>\n
  68. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my financial situation.<\/li>\n
  69. Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight.<\/li>\n
  70. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my plans for the future.<\/li>\n
  71. Never have I ever used a dating app while in a committed relationship.<\/li>\n
  72. Never have I ever kept a secret from my partner that I knew would hurt them if they found out.<\/li>\n
  73. Never have I ever been in a relationship where the other person didn’t get along with my friends or family.<\/li>\n
  74. Never have I ever gone on a date with someone close to an ex just to get revenge.<\/li>\n
  75. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my level of education.<\/li>\n
  76. Never have I ever gone on a date with someone who was already in a committed relationship.<\/li>\n
  77. Never have I ever lied or been lied to about my or my partner\u2019s criminal past.<\/li>\n
  78. Never have I ever broken up with someone because they didn’t like the same music or movies as me.<\/li>\n
  79. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my nationality or ethnicity.<\/li>\n
  80. Never have I ever been in a relationship where the other person was significantly more or less physically active than me.<\/li>\n
  81. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my drinking habits.<\/li>\n
  82. Never have I ever broken up with someone because they were too intense or emotional.\n

    Never Have I Ever questions for couples can be played pretty much anywhere, too.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/p>\n<\/li>\n
  83. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my career goals.<\/li>\n
  84. Never have I ever dated someone who was significantly more or less sexually experienced than me.<\/li>\n
  85. Never have I ever flirted to get out of a difficult conversation with a partner.<\/li>\n
  86. Never have I ever accidentally fallen asleep while being intimate with someone.<\/li>\n
  87. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my living situation.<\/li>\n
  88. Never have I ever broken up with someone because they didn’t share my hobbies or interests.<\/li>\n
  89. Never have I ever lied about my relationship status on social media.<\/li>\n
  90. Never have I ever dated someone who had different political beliefs than me.<\/li>\n
  91. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my dietary restrictions.<\/li>\n
  92. Never have I ever broken up with someone because they were too busy or not available enough.<\/li>\n
  93. Never have I ever gone skinny dipping on a date.<\/li>\n
  94. Never have I ever been in a serious long-distance relationship.<\/li>\n
  95. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my relationship with my ex.<\/li>\n
  96. Never have I ever stayed in a relationship longer than I should have because I was afraid of being alone.<\/li>\n
  97. Never have I ever dated someone who my family disapproved of.<\/li>\n
  98. Never have I ever lied to my significant other about my feelings towards their friends or family.<\/li>\n
  99. Never have I ever ghosted someone after a first date.<\/li>\n
  100. Never have I ever dated someone for their money or status.<\/li>\n
  101. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my true feelings towards something important to them.<\/li>\n
  102. Never have I ever gone on a date with someone just to get entry somewhere.<\/li>\n
  103. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my relationship history.<\/li>\n
  104. Never have I ever broken up with someone because of their appearance.<\/li>\n
  105. Never have I ever accidentally told a lie about something important to my partner that I never came clean about later.<\/li>\n
  106. Never have I ever broken up with a significant other to date someone close to them.<\/li>\n
  107. Never have I ever hired a private investigator to look into the person I was dating.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n
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    READ NEXT:<\/span>  48 Questions to Ask Before Getting Married – Essential Things to Talk About Together<\/span><\/div>\n


    There are lots of great ways to deepen and strengthen a relationship, and playing games like Would You Rather and Never Have I Ever for couples is a fun way to dig a little deeper into your lives. It can also be a fun way to feel out the state of your relationship<\/a>.<\/p>\n

    Have fun out there!<\/p>\n

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