
65 Good Night Messages for Him: Cute Texts Your Man Will Love

Communication is always an important element in relationships: when saying good night to your man, send off sweet good night messages for him that will ensure thoughts of you are all that’s on his mind as he drifts off to sleep! Whether you’re looking for goodnight messages for your boyfriend or goodnight texts for your husband, we’ve got plenty to choose from!

Maybe you’re feeling like sending cute goodnight texts that make him smile that goofy smile you’ve come to love so much, or maybe you’re looking for spicy goodnight texts that will have you both feeling the heat; either way, you can find inspiration here in this list of cute good night messages for him!

Cute Good Night Messages for Your Boyfriend

Man laying in bed reading on his phone.

1. If my dreams are half as sweet as you are to me, it’s going to be a good night…

2. Is it possible to be so incredibly happy with someone that thinking of them makes it hard to sleep? Is that a thing? Because I think that’s happening to me rn…

3. Today was amazing… you are amazing! Good night!

4. Btw, you were absolutely adorable today when you <insert cute thing> and I’m just grinning to myself over here remembering it. Good night, babe!

5. You make me feel safe when we’re together. I miss you already… sweet dreams.

6. Your arms. I miss them right now! Good night <3

7. I know that I’ll see you again tomorrow, but the problem is that that is so freakin exciting to me that now I can’t sleep and UGH I miss you! Good night!

8. Whyyyyyy does tomorrow feel so far away? Oh, that’s right, it’s because I have to make it through the night without you to get there. Booooo, good night <3

9. Wish you were here so I could feel those strong arms wrapped around me all night long. 

10. I’m just laying here so thankful I have such a sweet boyfriend to text good night to.

11. We spent all day together and still I’m like, nope, I could totally go for more. Miss you, babe, good night!

12. You are basically my dream boyfriend… here’s hoping I see you in my dreams, too! 

13. To the man who stole my heart: good night <3

14. Sweet dreams to my dream man!

15. It’s funny because I know I have to sleep to get to tomorrow to see you again but the excitement of getting to see you again is making it hard to fall asleep and what even is this sorcery you’ve used on me? Nevermind, I like it, keep it up <3

16. The more I learn about you, the more I like you. I’m okay with this! Good night, babe!

17. If a genie appeared and granted me three wishes, the first one would be more wishes because duh, but then the second one would be to be in your arms again. Good night, hon.

18. Going to sleep now so I can dream of you…

19. I’ll dream of you if you dream of me, k? <3

20. Pretty sure I’m going to dream of you tonight, literally cannot stop thinking of you today! 

21. So much harder to fall asleep alone now that I know how strong your snuggle game is… 

22. The dream version of you is still pretty awesome, but the real you is way better. I guess I’ll take what I can get… good night!

23. You know how some people count sheep to fall asleep? I count reasons why you’re awesome. 

24. Sweet dreams to the guy who stole my heart!

25. I have dreamt about you every single night this week, what the heck did I even dream about before you? Who cares, I’m heading towards more dreams of you… Good night <3

26. It was amazing to spend the day with you today! I’ll take more of that, please. Good night!

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Hot and Flirty Good Night Texts for Him

Man laying in bed smiling and reading messages on his phone.

27. Today was a very, very good day… you know the part of the day I’m talking about!

28. I wish you were here so we could continue what we started earlier… Miss you, good night!

29. I just keep thinking of the way your arms feel around me, the way your lips taste, just…. Ugh, now I’m DEFINITELY going to have a hard time falling to sleep! 

30. I can’t quit thinking about you, babe! I think my dreams might be X-rated tonight.

31. Having some very naughty thoughts about you right now, can’t wait to share them with you tomorrow… he he!

32. I am missing you so much right now… like ALL of you, if you know what I mean.

33. Remembering what we did earlier is making it hard to settle down for bed all alone here… good night over there!

34. I need a fan or something to cool off with over here, just thinking about how hot you are is keeping me awake!

35. I can still smell you on my sheets. Making it very, very hard to get to sleep.

36. I wish you were here to cuddle me right now, but something tells me we wouldn’t be doing a whole lot of sleeping…

37. Thinking of you and that thing you do with your tongue that drives me crazy… definitely going to take a while for me to get to sleep here!

38. I know you told me to have sweet dreams, but I think I’d rather them be a little spicy tonight…

39. I know in my head it’s time to go to sleep, but my body says it would rather be with you again…

40. So if I were to tell you what I’m wearing right now… or not wearing right now… would you respond in kind?

41. My body aches it misses you so much…

42. If I were to tell you I’m feeling naughty and nice, what would you say about that?

43. I know we need to get some sleep tonight, but I just can’t quit fantasizing about pulling an all-nighter with you…

44. It’s not fair that you’re so incredibly hot that I just want you all the time and can hardly even sleep because of it.

45. I wish you were here… memories of you are driving me crazy and I’d like to return the favor.

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Sweet Good Night Messages for Your Husband

Smiling man laying on couch looking at something on his phone.

46. I know you/I have to be away for work, but you’ve got me so spoiled that I hate to sleep without your arms wrapped around me.

47. Anything that keeps me away from you and those big strong arms at bedtime sucks, just saying.

48. Marriage should mean never being deprived of your amazing bedtime snuggles, texting good night isn’t the same!

49. I’m on my way home, babe, can’t wait to climb in our big comfy bed with you!

50. To my big, strong, hunky husband: I miss you and can’t wait to be together again. Good night!

51. Hope you’re having a good night, hon. Our bed never feels quite right without you in it.

52. I know sometimes work keeps you up late, but as your spouse, I’d rather be the one keeping you up late, if you catch my drift!

53. Sleeping Without My Husband: 0/0 do not recommend. Good night, babe!

54. Not everyone has a super hot husband to miss at night, so I know I should feel lucky, but instead, I just feel incredibly deprived of your strong, snuggly arms wrapped around me!

55. To my husband who still thrills me… good night, my love.

56. Good night, although for me it’s never as good as a night as when I get to fall asleep in your arms.

57. You are still my favorite person and I know how lucky I am to have you… good night, babe.

58. Sweet dreams? Psssh, easier said than done if you’re not next to me.

59. My favorite part of the day is when I crawl into bed next to you… coming home soon, babe!

60. To my husband who has spoiled me so much that I struggle to sleep without your arms wrapped around me… Good night, love you!

61. Roses are red, violets are blue, no one has ever had a husband as sweet as you… good night!

62. Hoping you’re having a good night, love. Sweet dreams.

63. Good night to my favorite snuggle buddy ever, love you and miss you.

64. I am proud of you for working so hard but I do miss those big strong arms around me as I drift off to sleep… good night, hon.

65. I’m keeping the bed warm for you, babe. Hurry home, good night!

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There are so many ways to show love and affection, but a cute good night message is a sweet way to remind him that he is in your thoughts! Whether you’re sending flirty good night texts to your boyfriend or your husband, a quick good night message for him will increase the chances that even if you can’t physically be in his arms, you can be in his dreams tonight! 

Sweet dreams and happy flirting!


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Amy Hartle is the author of Do You Love Me? How To Stop Seeking Reassurance in Relationships, a book on reassurance seeking and relationship anxiety. Both her book and this blog are born of personal experience; Amy shares expert relationship advice from the lessons learned during her own 10+ years with her husband, as well as couples travel tips and romantic getaway recommendations, all gleaned while traveling the world together.

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