
Love Letters for Him: Ideas for Sweet, Sexy, Long-Distance & More!

What could be more romantic than a good old-fashioned love letter? There is something so heartwarming about being able to physically see how your partner feels about you written out. Plus, it’s such a lovely keepsake to have tucked away throughout the years to read over again any time you need a reminder of how much you are loved. 

A romantic love letter for him can be a part of a grand gesture expression of love or just a sweet reminder to your honey that they are the one for you. Whether you’re looking for sweet love letters for him, sexy love letters for him, or something in between, we’ve got some ideas below to get you started. These can work for love letters to your husband or love letters for boyfriends, and even a few might work as love letters for a crush if you tweak it right!

Put pen to paper (or fingertips to keyboard) and express how you really feel with one of these love letters for him! 

Love Letters for Him

Sweet Love Letters for Him

A man smiles while writing on a piece of paper.
Sweet love letter for him ideas will hopefully have your man grinning from ear to ear!

My Sweet Love,

 I have to tell you, you are always present in my thoughts, but today I just cannot seem to stop thinking of you! You are always so sweet to me and I just want to try to make you feel the way you make me feel every single day. 

I try to imagine what life would be like without you, my sweet love, but that’s just such an impossible thought that I can’t. You are too amazing, too perfect for me, I simply can’t even begin to imagine my world without you in it! You have spoiled me with your sweetness and all I can do is hope to be half as sweet back to you as you are to me. 



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READ NEXT:  14 Sweet Relationship Milestones Worth Celebrating

To The Man Making My Heart Go Wild,

 Here I am, writing you a love letter even though I know I’m going to see you soon. I guess this is just a picture-perfect example of how hard you are making me fall for you. 

There are so many things about you that I admire and love, like your fun-loving spirit and your gorgeous smile, that I just can’t seem to get out of my head! I suppose there are worse things in life than having someone as incredible like you in my thoughts, right? I just want you to know that since we’ve been spending all this time together, you’ve made it so I look forward to every single new day because I know you will be in it. It’s cheesy, I know, but it’s so true! 

        With Love,


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READ NEXT:  10 Relationship Rituals That Will Help Your Love Grow Stronger

My Love,

I wonder if you have any idea how much I love you? Well, just in case you don’t quite have the full picture, let me fill you in on a few things. #1 Since we got together, you are basically on my mind every single day, all day. #2 Since the first time you told me you loved me, I’ve been walking around feeling like a helium balloon that’s flying higher and higher into the clouds. #3 When I try to imagine what life would be like without you, I literally cannot because you have become my entire life.

I don’t know if this paints a clear enough picture for you, but I want you to know that every single day, you have my heart. Every single day, I am here for you. Every single day, I am yours. 

     With Love Always,


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READ NEXT:  105 Cute Ways to Say I Love You

Post Fight Love Letters for Him

My Love,

Okay, I know this fight was bad. There are things I said that I wish I could take back, and I’m sure you wish the same. I can’t change the past, but I can tell you right now, from this present moment, that I will make every possible effort to slow down and consider my words more carefully in any future fight we may have. 

It’s never my intention to hurt you, so I know that if we ever get into this kind of fight again, I’m going to make a different choice to cool off before I respond so you and I never have to feel this way again. I hope you can trust me with your heart still, just as I will always trust you with mine. I’m not going anywhere, okay?

     All My Love,


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READ NEXT:  How to Fight Fair in Your Relationship: 5 Fair Fighting Rules for Couples

My Sweet Man,

Disagreements are a part of life, but I know that you and I can handle them. I hope you know that a silly fight like this one will never ever change how I feel about you. You are my guiding star, I need you in my life and that isn’t changing anytime soon. 

I hope that we are always able to navigate these kinds of disagreements in a respectful, loving way with each other, and I think that our ability to do that means we can probably make it through just about anything. 

Always Yours,


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My Love,

I keep going over how we got here. I  know that we both had a lot of things that needed to be said for a long time, and saying them was healthy because we can’t address any of our issues if we aren’t willing to talk about them with each other. No person is perfect and no relationship is perfect, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make sure ours is perfectly imperfect!

I want us to be able to talk openly about all this, so if that’s in letters like this one or on the phone or in person, let’s lay our cards out on the table and see what we’ve got. I’m going to start: you mean the world to me and I don’t want to lose this. I’m here to do what I can to resolve all our issues. Let’s be on the same team, okay?

Love Always,


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Sexy Love Letters for Him

A man smiles outdoors with brown curly hair.
Is there anything that makes a man smile wider than getting a steamy love letter?

Hey Sexy,

I know you know that you are in my thoughts literally every day, but now, you’re in my dreams too! Ummm can I just say that last night’s dream was a little X rated, but you know what? I am 100% not complaining! Basically, you’ve got me all turned around, flipped upside down, and I’m hoping for more of that later tonight… either in my dreams or in person. 

Here’s to seeing you tonight, either way.



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My Love,

I cannot get over last night. Everything about last night. The way you looked, the way you sounded, the way you tasted. I can’t get these things out of my head, but I really don’t want to so that’s alright.

Can I just say that I am eagerly awaiting a repeat. I guess you just bring out the naughty in me and I love it!

Your Naughty Love,


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Hey There,

I just keep having all these thoughts about you, and I have to tell you, not many of them are PG! You are just such a sexy, sexy man that I can’t resist thinking of you and all the things I want to do with you…

So here is my plan: you, me, and a little privacy, TONIGHT. I cannot wait to see you and will be counting down the minutes.



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READ NEXT:  50 Christmas Pick Up Lines and Flirty Texts

Birthday Love Letters for Him

Hey Birthday Boy,

At the risk of sounding stupid cheesy, I am so grateful for you every day, but especially today because today we get to celebrate that you were born ___ years ago! I am so happy to have you in my life and I want you to feel today how special you are to me.

What can I do to make your birthday special? Tell me what I can do to treat you today, Birthday Boy!

   All my Love,


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READ NEXT:  110 Flirty Texts for Him: Fun, Cute Text Messages He’ll Love

Happy Birthday!

On this day, your day, I want you to know that I think you are one of the coolest guys I’ve ever known. Really and truly, you continue to surprise me each and every day with new ways that you show up for me. I just want to spend today showing up for you in every way that I can!

So buckle up, because today we are celebrating YOU. I can’t wait to be with you and celebrate one of my most favorite days of the year: the day that you, my love, were born.



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READ NEXT:  78 Good Morning Messages for Him: Flirty Texts Your Man will LOVE

Funny Love Letters for Him

To Whom This May Concern,

I am writing today to inform you that I have officially crossed the threshold of no return with you. You have shown me time and time again how absolutely sweet, generous, kind, and thoughtful you are, and I have to say, you have given me no choice but to fall head over heels, hopelessly in love with you.

Due to these previously unforeseen circumstances, I am now compelled to state in writing my current objectives and expectations: I intend to be yours now, tomorrow, and in perpetuity as long as you will have me, and I expect that you will go on being your absolutely marvelous self, and as long as these conditions are met, our contract can continue in good faith to the full satisfaction of both parties involved.

Also, I love you.

    Awaiting Your Reply,


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To My Sweet Love,

I don’t know how you’re feeling today, but you should be exhausted from running through my dreams ALL night last night! I know it’s cheesy, but it’s true. I just keep thinking of you and all the fun things we do when we’re together… and all the fun things we do when we’re together….

Yeah, it’s going to be a loooooooong day for me today waiting for you, but you’re worth it. So far, anyway. I’m teasing, of course you’re worth it always!

Yours in Waiting,


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READ NEXT:  65 Good Night Messages for Him: Cute Texts Your Man Will Love

Long Distance Love Letters for Him

A man smiles while reading a message on his laptop.
Long distance love letters are an important part of long distance relationships!

Hey Love,

How are you? I hope all is well where you are, but I have to tell you that this long distance thing is made even harder by the fact that you are so amazing and I just want you here closer to me! Where you are is very, very lucky to have you, and I hope everyone around you knows that. 

I miss you so much each and every day and I can’t wait until we are together again. I love you so much and think of you every day. Take care of yourself for me, okay?

Sending My Love,


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READ NEXT:  12+ Long Distance Date Ideas To Keep You Close Across the Miles

For My Love,

I keep a countdown of when I get to see you in person again and I have to tell you, there are days when I’m sure time is literally slowing down. How else can we possibly explain how long this time apart feels? When we are together, time just flies by. When we are apart, it ~ s l o w s ~ to an absolute crawl.

None of that really matters though, because no matter what, I’m here waiting for you. You are worth the wait, always, so I guess I’ll just try to buck up and stand strong until I’m back in your arms again. I love you!

Your Long Distance Love,


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There are so many sweet ways to express our love for each other, but writing it all out in an old-fashioned love letter is probably one of the best ways to show him you care. It doesn’t have to be on paper either, you can send a digital love letter, too, but when it comes to keepsakes of love, a folder of loved letters saved to the desktop maybe doesn’t hit the same way a physical love letter tucked away in a special spot in your room does.

Either way, be true to your heart and true to your relationship and speak your own truth, using these love letter templates as your guide. Go deep or stay sweet, either way you’re sure to have the perfect love letter for him.

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Amy Hartle is the author of Do You Love Me? How To Stop Seeking Reassurance in Relationships, a book on reassurance seeking and relationship anxiety. Both her book and this blog are born of personal experience; Amy shares expert relationship advice from the lessons learned during her own 10+ years with her husband, as well as couples travel tips and romantic getaway recommendations, all gleaned while traveling the world together.

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